• VueSchool: VueJS Certification - senior level - goes live in Q2 2024
  • Evan You: Vue 2 has reached End of Life on December 31st, 2023 (there will be no new releases)
  • Evan You: There are experimental macros that might be included in core Vue in the future at https://vue-macros.dev
  • Evan You: Suspense component is going to be stable in next couple of minor versions
  • Evan You: Do not agree with React’s approach of introducing such a big shift as Server components that are in the core of the framework
  • Evan You: useId() utility might be implemented in next couple of minor versions, there is demand for it (https://github.com/vuejs/rfcs/discussions/557)
  • When to use Pinia, when not? Pinia docs, danger of Cross-Request State Pollution in case of SSR with other “solutions”, simple alternative is Nuxt’s useState
  • OWASP TOP 10 (2021): No. 1 is Broken Access Control, No. 3 is Injection - both might be directly related to our VueJS application code (sign in/up flow, user provided HTML, CSS and URLs)
  • Michael Thiessen has a lot of articles and a couple of courses around design patterns in VueJS
  • Filip Rakowski from VueStorefront has an article about caching: How to deal with caching and dynamic content in Nuxt?(put session specific content into ClientOnly, cache the rest on CDN)
  • Filip Rakowski: to limit overfetching from browser, delegate API federation (parallel) and orchestration (serial) calls to a dedicated middleware (might be API routes in Nuxt) on the backend
  • Justin Schroeder, author of FormKit, introduced a form tree abstration for elegant handling of a lot of form related challanges
  • Luke Diebold: “The author of Quasar framework has been thinking about his framework’s APIs for years, thats why they are so great.” …At least for apps built with Material design…
  • Zernonia is working hard on porting Radix to Vue and Shadcn UI to Vue, too.
  • John Leider from Vuetify: Important components will be finished in 2024 - treeview, date-picker, etc.
  • Maya Shavin: Component tests for Vue are supported by Playwright (and by Cypress, however Nuxt supported is wip)
  • PrimeVue is a compelling, fairly complete component library, with strong theming (also unstyled) and customizability, only prebuild templates are paid, core is open source
  • Abdelrahman Awad, author of VeeValidate: Generic types on Vue components are easy to use and very useful for input wrappers
  • Common VueJS mistakes and how to avoid them is a short free and hands-on course
  • WebAIM report: 96% of top 1 million websites has accessibility issues averaging at around 50 per page, number of homepage elements have increased over 34% in last 4 years, … and a lot more insights
  • Daniel Roe: Easy caching for external API route via Cached event handler from Nitro (this one is not in Nuxt docs, only in Nitro docs), combined with Server storage