- prop drilling
- lifting state up
- reducer function
- slot, scoped slot
- higher-order components
- handler and listener
- bubbling events
- tree-shaking
- bundle splitting
- dead code elimination
- time travel debugging
- popcorning the UI (Sebastian Markbåge, https://twitter.com/sebmarkbage/status/1516852731251724293?s=20)
- fallthrough attribute
- diamond update problem (2 values changed together to produce one aggregated results in 3 intermediate states instead of 2)
- fine grained reactivity
- virtual dom
- ssr
- reconciliation
- signals
- bundler
- runtime library
- compiler
- transitions (css, cross page, in SPA, in MPA)
- hooks
- composition
- reusability
- dirty checking
- performance (ssr, load time in browser, updates in browser)
- hydration (full, partial, lazy/on-demand)
- serialization (across network, across web workers)
- event handler
- component
- subscription
- dependency graph
- source maps
Frontend jargon